IWMM and Mattamuskeet NWR
Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR), located in northeastern North Carolina, was established by Executive Order 6924, dated Dec. 18, 1934 …as a refuge and breeding ground for birds and wild animals, and… for use as an inviolate sanctuary, or for any other management purpose, for migratory birds. 16 U.S.C. § 715d (Migratory Bird Conservation Act of 1929). Read the full story here.
IWMM Mobile App (IMA) – Year 1 Report
IWMM provides tools to deliver effective management of migrating waterbirds – including waterfowl, waders, and shorebirds – during the non-breeding season. In response to recent interest from field stations, the IWMM team spent several months developing a mobile software application designed to reduce the time and effort required to collect bird counts and habitat conditions under the IWMM protocol. Read the full report.
IMA Version 2.0 is Now Available!
The Integrated Waterbird Management and Monitoring (IWMM) program is excited to announce an update to the IWMM mobile app – just in time for the 2019/2020 non-breeding season! Read about the new features!
Optimized Sampling for Waterbirds – Summer 2019 DFP Project
Accurate waterbird counts help inform science and management for many stations in the NWRS but can be time- and resource-intensive to collect. This summer, IWMM initiated a special project with the help of DFP contributor Alex Kumar. Read more about the project.
Meet the IWMM DFP
Alex Kumar recently joined the USFWS Natural Resource Program Center (NRPC) in Fort Collins to complete a short-term project as part of the Directorate Fellows Program (DFP). Alex came to NRPC from the University of Montana where he is finishing his PhD dissertation on population cycling of snowshoe hares. Get to know Alex better!