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News & Updates

News & Updates2021-08-06T12:56:18-04:00

Framework Versus Manual: Which Do I Use

The IWMM Monitoring Protocol was developed as a rapid assessment of habitat conditions and waterbird use at wetlands during the non-breeding period. During an extensive pilot phase, the protocols were tested via two validation studies and participant feedback was obtained [...]

By |November 30th, 2015|Categories: Protocols|

Revised Protocols Are Here! NEW: Webinar Link!

IWMM’s bird and habitat monitoring protocols were revised in February 2015 based on participant feedback and a habitat metric validation study. IWMM plans to transition all users to the new protocol for the 2015-16 field season. Key revisions and clarifications [...]

By |July 15th, 2015|Categories: Protocols|

Estimating Percent Cover

Examples of Estimating Percent Coverage The IWMM protocol requires estimates of cover to assign water depth classes, estimate habitat class proportions, and assess vegetation composition. We are using a canopy cover approach: defined as the percentage of the [...]

By |July 6th, 2015|Categories: Protocols|

Wetland Plant Identification Made Easy

Completing IWMM vegetation surveys requires you identify the most common wetland plants found within a unit. The surveys are completed once annually, typically late in the growing season when dominant plant species have started to senesce. Obtaining an accurate measure [...]

By |June 24th, 2015|Categories: Plant Identification|